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Maritime Ship Agency Eliminates Costly Government Fines IBM BPM

Written by Nicolas Echavarria | Apr 5, 2017 5:56:00 AM

Last March our team presented at IBM InterConnect 2017 in Las Vegas our approach for eliminating fines in the ship agency and transportation industry using IBM BPM, the file is ready for download.

For those of you interested in IBM BPM in customs, logistics and shipping applications, our presentation demonstrates the process automation and monitoring to avoid government fines from the needs to benefits and beyond.

Day-to-day Azure management needs to ensure that the infrastructure is agile enough to meet all business needs. For instance, it is common for leaders to follow a reactive approach, resolving issues as and when they arrive. This proves to be counterproductive on a scale and can significantly erode future IT value. With our expertise as a managed services provider, you can offload this burden and instead focus on your core capabilities.
With an industry experience of over 20 years, ne Digital is a go-to Azure Managed IT service partner for organizations in 8 countries. We provide the following Azure focused services:

Additionally, we go deeper into implementation details and demonstrate how the solution runs in an instance of our own Hybrid Cloud Express for VMware in IBM Bluemix